Binocular vision and eye-tracking
Video eye-tracking systems for investigation of the processes involved in binocular coordination and the importance of binocular vision.
Using modern video eye-tracking systems with high resolution, we can investigate the basic processes involved in binocular coordination and the advantages of binocular vision (while reading, for example) and thereby evaluate the effects of intervention (e.g. vergence training, refractive/prismatic corrections).
Models of binocular coordination describe aspects of vergence movements in general; these eye movements turn eyes towards each other (convergence) or away from each other (divergence). In this context, it is necessary to refine current models and to consider for example the influence of accommodation, in order to improve. the "autofocus" qualities of the visual system. With this purpose, the Institute of Optometry uses an experimental test set-up that enables the simultaneous measurement of binocular eye movements and the accommodation of each eye.
Using this set-up to focus on reading skills, that are indispensable to our society, - i.e. the visual extraction of information from written texts – one realises that successful reading requires processing steps on many levels ( visual / oculomotor / cognitive processes). Here we can describe the basic processes involved in binocular coordination and information intake in a detailed and comprehensive way. Refractive influences on these processes can also be described.
Head of applied research and development, Lecturer