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The Listening Academy Basel

Workshop The Listening Academy Basel at the Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM)

Key data

ECTS points
Next start
Implementation date open
1 Week
Teaching language
CHF 900.– (view fees)
Study mode

The Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM) assembles students, educators, and researchers from a wide variety of backgrounds and seeks to leverage practices of art & design for comprehensive social, political and ecological transformation. It is organized around two spaces and communities – HyperWerk and Critical Media Lab – and houses the Bachelor programme Process Design, the Master programme Experimental Design, and the PhD programme Make/Sense.

As part of the program for continuing education, «The Listening Academy Basel» is a research academy aimed at investigating listening as a creative and critical practice, one that can assist in fostering greater relationality and mutuality, as well as co-learning and co-creation. Emphasising the potentiality of listening as a relational act, the course invites to discuss, explore, listen, forage, and attune to a range of critical topics.

Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM)

The Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM) assembles students, educators, and researchers from a wide variety of backgrounds and seeks to leverage practices of art & design for comprehensive social, political and ecological transformation.

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Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM)

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Basel Academy of Art and Design, Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM), Highrise: D. 3.01 Freilager-Platz 1 CH - 4142 Münchenstein near Basel