Prof. Dr. Barbara Eisenbart
Prof. Dr. Barbara Eisenbart
Activities at FHNW
No peer reviewed content available
Klotz, P., & Eisenbart, B. (2024). SMEs talk - startups walk. How startups can benefit from the use of a digital maturity model for SMEs as part of digital transformation? In A. H. Verkuil (Ed.), Start-up cultures in times of global crises. Sustainable and innovative approaches (pp. 59–89). Springer.
Peer reviewedEisenbart, B., Schlick, S., & Ganbold, N. (2024). Data traceability for lifecycle management. In H. Smuts & K. Hinkelmann (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Conference Society 5.0. Innovation for sustainable and inclusive social good (Vol. 2, pp. 48–65).
Kirch, J., Eisenbart, B., Wiesner, H., & Schütze, J. (2023). Didaktische Richtlinien für eine gendersensitive Lehre. HWR Berlin.
Peer reviewedPrater, R., & Eisenbart, B. (2022). Identification and chaining of water accounting data stakeholders. In K. Hinkelmann & A. Gerber (Eds.), Proceedings of the society 5.0 conference 2022. Integrating digital world and real world to resolve challenges in business and society (pp. 117–128). EasyChair.
Eisenbart, B. (2020). Case Study «Derma2go». In A. H. Verkuil, R. Meyer, & M. Aeschbacher (Eds.), Start-ups. Aktuelle Case Studies für den Unterricht (pp. 87–96). edition gesowip.
Appel, M., Eisenbart, B., Grisold, A., Kirch, J., Schein, G., Tomenendal, M., Schütze, J., & Wiesner, H. (2020). Master curriculum: gender equality in digital entrepreneurship. Hochschulbibliothek HWR Berlin.
Eisenbart, B., & Hinz, A. (2019). Effectuation und Lean Startup Methode - Analyserahmen und empirische Überprüfung anhand eines E-Healthcare Systems. In A. H. Verkuil, K. Hinkelmann, & M. Aeschbacher (eds.), Digitalisierung und andere Innovationsformen im Management (pp. 177–200). edition gesowip.
Peer reviewedKirch, J., & Eisenbart, B. (2019). Equaldigitalent - Fostering entrepreneurship and digital skills under diversity aspects. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), EDULEARN19 Proceedings (pp. 6908–6917). IATED Academy.
Peer reviewedHinz, A., & Eisenbart, B. (2019). Connecting the dots. Effectuation and lean startup. In P. F. Belgiawan, L. Mayangsari, M. Wasesa, N. A. Windasari, A. Wulansari, A. Aprianingsih, & F. Aprilianty (Eds.), Proceeding book of The 4th international Conference on Management in Emerging Markets (ICMEM) 2019 and The 11th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IICIES).
Peer reviewedKirch, J., Eisenbart, B., & Wiesner, H. (2019). Computer supported collaborative work - teaching transformative technology and participation. INTED2019 Proceedings. 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. INTED2019. 13th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference.
Peer reviewedEisenbart, B., & Kirch, J. (2019). Curriculum Design and Innovation - Teaching Digital Innovation and Technology. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), INTED2019 Proceedings (pp. 6404–6412). IATED Academy.
Eisenbart, B. (2019). Gründen Frauen anders? ksœ Dossier, 1, 20–21.
Peer reviewedKirch, J., & Eisenbart, B. (2018). Teaching entrepreneurship, digitalization, leadership, and gender at the same time - How a new learning approach integrates all four perspectives. ICERI2018 Proceedings, 2348–2356.
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedEisenbart, B., Schlick, S., & Ganbold, N. (2024). Data traceability for lifecycle management. Society 5.0. Innovation for sustainable and inclusive social good.
Peer reviewedHaisch, T., Eisenbart, B., & Hess, V. (2021). Mapping Smart Region Projects in order to boost regional development. regiosuisse-Wissenschaftsforum 2021.
Peer reviewedEisenbart, B., Grisold, A., & Wiesner, H. (2019). Bridging the digital gender skill-bias: progress and drawbacks. 28th IAFFE Annual Conference 2019.
Prof. Dr. Barbara Eisenbart
- Lecturer, Institute of Management
- Telephone
- +41 56 202 79 26 (direct)
- YmFyYmFyYS5laXNlbmJhcnRAZmhudy5jaA==
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Bahnhofstrasse 6
CH – 5210 Windisch