Prof. Dr. Barbara Miller
Prof. Dr. Barbara Miller
Activities at FHNW
Prof. Dr. Barbara Miller studied Physics in Cambridge and Munich (MPhil. and Ph.D) and Business Administration in Edinburgh (MBA). Her international business career of over 10 years encompassed senior corporate positions at Siemens in Germany and Lloyds Banking Group in the UK. She led projects in product marketing and business strategy in the high-tech and financial services industries. Additionally she worked as a consultant for commercial product development and business foundation and contributed to various software start-ups by leading their operations and marketing.
Prof. Dr. Barbara Miller joined the School of Business in summer 2011 and since then focussed her research and consulting projects as well as her teaching engagements on the topic of international product and strategic marketing. Additionally she teaches Statistics in the new BA degree of Business Artificial Intelligence.
- Module coordinator for the Specialisation Marketing in Olten
- Lectures for BA degrees (Business Artifical Intelligence and International Management) and further education (MBA), English and German
- Topics: Strategic and International Marketing, Product Management, Statistics for Business Information, Marketing Basics
Various consulting projects (market research, development of business scenarios etc.)
Function: Head of Project Team
Several research projects in the field of innovative higher education exams for competence-based learning (2020 – 2024)
Function: Head of Project Team
- «Optimisation of Reflection reports for the MAS Digital Marketing», Internal research project (Lehrfonds) as part of the FHNW Project “Didactics 2025”; duration: October 2023 – December 2024
- «Building Competencies through Students’ Self-reflection», Internal research project (Lehrfonds) as part of the FHNW Project “Didactics 2025”; duration: September 2021 – September 2022
- «Improved students’ learning experience through reflection reports», Lehrfonds HSW Corona; duration: August 2020 – January 2021
Research project "Swisslog - innovative price metrics for service development"
Function: Head of Project Team
- Scientific Partners: University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, School of Engineering and School of Business (Institut for Competitiveness and Communications)
- Corporate Partner: Swisslog AG
Duration: June 2013 - August 2015
Funding: Forschungsfonds Aargau
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedHeuss, S., Zachlod, C., & Miller, B. T. (2023). ‘Social’ media? How Swiss hospitals used social media platforms during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Public Health, 219, 53–60.
Peer reviewedMiller, B. T., Göldi, S., & Lin, M. H. (. (2023). Increasing student engagement with COIL Padlet. HEAd’23 Proceedings, 871–878.
Miller, B. T., Göldi, S., Amstutz, N., & Fuduric, N. (2022). The climate crisis calls for COIL: three virtual, climate-friendly international learning experiences. EAIE Forum Magazine, 16–18.
Peer reviewedGürtler, S., & Miller, B. T. (2022). Branded for survival: naming effects on the life expectancy of new companies. Marketing, Zeitschrift Fur Forschung Und Praxis, 44(2), 44–58.
Peer reviewedMiller, B. T., & Staley, L. (2021). Importance of feedback, training and media format for students’ reflective practice. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, 2021(10), 31–40.
Peer reviewedFears, T., Heuss, S., & Miller, B. T. (2020). Skills for digital transformation. Is educating specialists sabotaging digital transformation? In M. K. Peter (Ed.), Neues Wissen zur Digitalen Transformation. Forschungsbeiträge zu E-Government, zur Smart City und der digitalen Ökonomie (pp. 34–45). Davos Digital Forum.
Miller, B. T., & Helbling, T. (2017, October). Kundenindividuelle Price Metrics als Wettbewerbsvorteil. KMU-Magazin, 20(10), 103–105.
Peer reviewedHelbling, T., & Miller, B. T. (2016). Potential of Thermoelectrics for Waste Heat Recovery - Final report. Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW ; Empa – Materials Science and Technology.
Helbling, T., & Miller, B. T. (2016). Marketing-Management für “Gesundheitsorganisationen”. In V. Schulte & A. H. Verkuil (eds.), Management für Health Professionals (pp. 115–121). Hogrefe.
Miller, B. T. (2013, February 15). Funktioniert Sponsoring für kleinere Unternehmen? Aargauer Wirtschaft, 2013, 4–5.
Warburton, R., & Miller, B. T. (1998). Coulomb interactions in small charge-tunable quantum dots: A simple model. Physical Review B, 58, 16221–16231.
Miller, B. T., Hansen, W., & Manus, S. (1998). Fine structure in the spectrum of the few-electron ground states of self-assembled quantum dots. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 251, 257–261.
Miller, B. T., Hansen, W., & Manus, S. (1997). Few-electron ground states of charge-tunable self-assembled quantum dots. Physical Review B, 56, 6764–6769.
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedMiller, B. T., & Felder, J. (2024). Teaching sustainability to marketing students in an implicit and efficient way. Higher Education Summit Conference “Co-creating change for sustainability”.
Peer reviewedMiller, B. T. (2021). Success in innovation projects via visualisation methods. XXXII ISPIM Innovation Conference 2021.
Peer reviewedMiller, B. T. (2021). Entrepreneurial marketing in Swiss start-up during the coronavirus pandemic. XXXII ISPIM Innovation Conference 2021.
Miller, B. T. (2014, June 24). Erfolgsfaktoren in der Patientengewinnung. Entscheidungsprozess und faktoren bei der Wahl eines Akutspitals. Qualitätsmedizin Schweiz Teil III.
Prof. Dr. Barbara Miller
- Lecturer, Institute for Competitiveness and Communication
- Telephone
- +41 62 957 25 05 (direct)
- YmFyYmFyYS5taWxsZXJAZmhudy5jaA==
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Riggenbachstrasse 16
CH – 4600 Olten