Since 2020
Research Associate at the Institute for Thermal and Fluid Engineering,
FHNW School of Engineering and Environment, Windisch
Since 2014
Self-employed: Software development for gear grinding and gear honing; until 2020 also research associate at LAV, ETH Zürich (Prof. K. Boulouchos)
2008 – 2014
Scientific group leader at LAV, ETH Zürich (Prof. K. Boulouchos)
2006 – 2008, 1999 – 2001
Group leader for software and electrical engineering, Fässler AG, Dübendorf
2003 – 2006
Research associate at LAV, ETH Zürich (Prof. K. Boulouchos)
1994 – 1999, 2001 – 2003
Dissertation, Institute of Energy Technology (IET-LVV), "Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Spraystruktur in transienten, verdampfenden und nicht verdampfenden Brennstoffstrahlen unter Hochdruck", Diss. ETH Nr. 15004, Doctoral adviser Prof. M.K. Eberle
1990 – 1993
Academic studies, ETH Zürich (Departement of Mechanical and Process Engineering)
1984 – 1988
Academic studies, Technikum Winterthur HTL (Departement of Mechanical Engineering) followed by a transition year for admission to further studies at ETH (“Übertrittskurs HTL-ETH”)