Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Schmid
Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Schmid
Activities at FHNW
Lecturer for Microelectronics and Signal Processing at the FHNW Institute for Sensors and Electronics
- Signal Processing
- Analog Circuits
- Mixed-Signal Circuits
- Analog Signal Processing and Filtering (ETH Zurich)
Hanspeter Schmid received the diploma in electrical engineering in 1994, the post-graduate degree in information technologies in 1999, and the degree Doctor of Technical Sciences in 2000, all from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), Switzerland.
He joined the Signal and Information Processing Laboratory of the ETH Zurich as a teaching assistant in 1994 and later became a research assistant and junior lecturer in the field of analog integrated filters.
From 2000-2005, he was an analog-IC designer with Bernafon AG, Switzerland, where he was part of a design team who developed a new IC platform for hearing aids. In that team he worked on audio low-noise amplifiers and voltage regulators in particular and on full-system signal integrity in general.
He joined the Institute of Microelectronics of the FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland as a research fellow in 2005 and became a full professor in February 2012. He is also a part-time senior lecturer at ETH Zurich (Analog Signal Processing and Filtering). His main research interests are fast low-power circuits (mainly for sensor electronics), signal integrity in analog signal processing, and sigma-delta modulation.
Hanspeter Schmid was IEEE CAS Analog Signal Processing Technical Committee Co-Chair from 2008-2010; he was an Associate Editor of TCAS-I from 2007-2011 and TCAS-II from 2016-2017; he was a member of the standing ESSCIRC technical committee (sensors and imagers group) until 2019, and in 2011-2012 he was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE CAS Society.
Hobbies: Playing the trombone, reading, playing go (also called igo, baduk and weiqi).
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewed[1]H. Schmid and A. Huber, “Analysis of switched-capacitor circuits using driving-point signal-flow graphs,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 96, pp. 495–507, 2018, doi: 10.1007/s10470-018-1131-7.
Peer reviewed[2]H. Schmid, L. Eichelberger, and A. Huber, “A tutorial to switched-capacitor noise analysis by hand,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 89, pp. 249–261, 2016, doi: 10.1007/s10470-016-0806-1.
Peer reviewed[3]H. Schmid, “Two curious integrals and a graphic proof,” Elemente der Mathematik, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 11–17, Jan. 2014, Available:
[4]H. Schmid and A. Huber, “Measuring a Small Number of Samples, and the 3σ Fallacy. Shedding Light on Confidence and Error Intervals,” IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 52–58, 2014, Available:
[5]H. Schmid and A. Huber, “The 3 σ Fallacy: Measuring a Small Number of Samples,” IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 68–74, 2014, Available:
Peer reviewed[6]H. Schmid, “Electrical and human feedback (invited paper),” in Proc. NORCHIP, Copenhagen, 2012, pp. 1–10. Available:
[7]H. Schmid, “How to use the FFT and Matlab’s pwelch function for signal and noise simulations and measurements,” Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, IME, 2012. Available:
[8]H. Schmid and A. Huber, “Sigma-Delta-Wandler: nicht lineare gemischt analog/digitale Filter,” Polyscope, no. 1, Swiss Professional Media, pp. 44–45, 2012. Available:
[9]H. Schmid and A. Huber, “Sigma-Delta-Wandler und ihre Macken,” Polyscope, no. 7, Swiss Professional Media, pp. 30–31, 2012. Available:
[10]H. Schmid and A. Huber, “Kreisverstärkung und Faustregeln,” Polyscope, no. 11, Swiss Professional Media, pp. 36–37, 2011. Available:
[11]H. Schmid and A. Huber, “Wie stelle ich meine Signale elektronisch dar?,” Polyscope, no. 14, Swiss Professional Media, pp. 26–27, 2011. Available:
[12]H. Schmid, “Switched-Capacitor-Schaltungen -- elektronische Eimerketten,” Polyscope, no. 21, Swiss Professional Media, pp. 36–38, 2011. Available:
[13]H. Schmid and A. Huber, “Das Tor zum Hightech-Markt,” Polyscope, no. 5, Swiss Professional Media, pp. 24–25, 2011. Available:
Peer reviewed[14]M. Pastre, M. Kayal, H. Schmid, P. Zwahlen, Y. Dong, and A.-M. Nguyen, “A navigation-grade MEMS accelerometer based on a versatile front end,” in Proc. IECON, Melbourne, 2011, pp. 4038–4043. Available:
[15]H. Schmid and A. Huber, “Feedback -- ganz einfach,” Polyscope, no. 8, Swiss Professional Media, pp. 42–43, 2011. Available:
[16]H. Schmid, “The SKILL of doing cross sections through a layout,” presented at the CDNLive, Munich, 2010. Available:
Peer reviewed[17]S. Nigg et al., “Navigation grade MEMS accelerometer,” in 2010 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), IEEE, 2010, pp. 631–634. doi: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2010.5442327.
Peer reviewed[18]H. Schmid, S. Sigel, M. Pastre, M. Kayal, P. Zwahlen, and A.-M. Nguyen, “An internally non-linear ADC for a ΣΔ accelerometer loop,” in Proc. ISCAS, IEEE, IEEE, 2010, pp. 2155–2158. doi: 10.1109/ISCAS.2010.5537224.
Peer reviewed[19]H. Schmid, “Efficient simulation of harmonic distortion in discrete-time circuits,” in Proc. ISCAS, Taipei, 2009, pp. 2757–2760. Available:
Peer reviewed[20]M. Pastre et al., “A 300 Hz 19 b DR capacitive accelerometer based on a versatile front end in a 5th-order DeltaSigma loop,” in Proc. ESSCIRC, Athens, 2009, pp. 288–291. Available:
[21]H. Schmid, “Analog Circuit Design on Digital CMOS: Why it is difficult, and which ideas help,” presented at the ISCAS Tutorial (Updated version of the 2007 tutorial), Taipei, 2009. Available:
[22]H. Schmid and A. Huber, Analoge Schaltungstechnik für integrierte Schaltungen, vol. 1. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, IME, 2008. Available:
[23]H. Schmid, “Aaargh! I just loooove flicker noise (Open Column),” IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 32–35, 2007, Available:
Peer reviewed[24]H. Schmid, “Why ‘Current Mode’ does not guarantee good performance,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 79–90, 2003, Available:
Peer reviewed[25]H. Schmid, “An 8.25-MHz 7th-order Bessel filter built with single-amplifier biquadratic MOSFET-C filters,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 69–81, 2002, Available:
Peer reviewed[26]H. Schmid, “Approximating the universal active element,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 1160–1169, 2000, Available:
No peer reviewed content available
[1]H. Schmid, “Electrical and Human Feedback -- How feedback solves some problems and creates new ones in circuits and design groups,” presented at the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program 2011-2012, 2011. Available:
[2]H. Schmid, “The Current-Mode Story -- How current-mode was created, how it changed, and how it is disappearing again,” presented at the Lecture in the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program 2011-2012, 2011. Available:
No peer reviewed content available
[1]H. Schmid, “signalflowgrapher.” 2020. Available:
Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Schmid
- Lecturer for Microelectronics and Signal Processing
- Telephone
- +41 56 202 75 34 (direct)
- aGFuc3BldGVyLnNjaG1pZEBmaG53LmNo
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Engineering and Environment
Klosterzelgstrasse 2
CH-5210 Windisch