Prof. Dr. Petra Maria Asprion
Prof. Dr. Petra Maria Asprion
Activities at FHNW
- Head of Competence Center Digital Trust
- Head of Competence Center Blockchain
- Programme Manager CAS IT Audit, Compliance and Cyber Security
- Lecturer in Business Information Technology at the competence centres Cyber Security & Resilience and Technology, Organization & People
Prof. Dr. Petra Maria Asprion has been working at the Institute for Information Systems since 2016 where she is committed to research, training and further education.
Petra Maria Asprion is a certified computer scientist, economist and business educationist. In 2008, she started her scientific career with a doctorate at the University of Berne on the topic of “Internal controls / Segregation of Duties in context of ERP systems” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Gerhard Knolmayer.
Prior to her second scientific career, Petra Maria Asprion worked mainly for multinational corporations, most recently for one of the Big 4 in various line functions. Her activities included the design and implementation of network technologies and encryption as well as access management. She was head of various SAP competence centers and responsible for numerous international implementation projects. For more than 15 years, Petra Maria Asprion has been predominantly involved in the design, implementation and monitoring of IT Compliance, IT Risk Management and IT Governance (GRC) as well as the associated requirements in the context of IT Audit and IT Assurance. Since 2012, she has been successfully responsible for the "Academics Relationships" of the ISACA Chapter Switzerland.
In recent years, she has focused particularly on the topics of IT Security, Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience. Her current research topics are "Cyber Security Governance", "Digital Ser-vices - Security and Data Sovereignty", "Ethical Hacking – What works", “Cyber Security Programs – Acceptance and Awareness” as well as «Blockchain» and related «Smart Contracts».
Teaching Activities
Current teaching assignments and topics
- Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience
- Compliance Management and Governance of IT
- Business Process Management
- Enterprise Resource Planning Systems/Enterprise Applications
- IT Audit and IT Assurance
- Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
In the following courses
- Master of Science in Business Information Systems
- Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology
- CAS IT Audit, Compliance and Cyber Security
Research focus
- Security
- Cyber Security
- Cyber Resilience
- Digital Forensics
- Blockchain
- Blockchain as a Security Technology
- Blockchain in (digital) Supply Chains
- Smart Contracts
- Governance, Risk Management and Compliance
- Security of (digital) Value Chains
- IT Governance and IT Risk Management
- IT Compliance, Data Security, Data Protection
- IT Audit, IT Security Audit
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedScherb, C., Hadayah, A., Heitz, L., Grieder, H., & Asprion, P. (2024). CyMed: A framework for testing connected medical devices. In K. Hinkelmann & H. Smuts (Eds.), Society 5.0. 4th International Conference, Society 5.0 2024, Moka, Mauritius, June 26–28, 2024, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 293–304). Springer.
Peer reviewedRosenberg, M., Schneider, B., Scherb, C., & Asprion, P. (2024). EDO4SIEM – a procedure model for the implementation of security information and event management systems in organisations. International Journal on Computers Science and Information Systems, 19(1), 31–47.
Peer reviewedAsprion, P., Gossner, P., & Schneider, B. (2023). Cybersecurity governance – An adapted practical framework for small enterprises. In T. X. Bui (Ed.), Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 5928–5937).
Moriggl, P., Asprion, P., & Schneider, B. (2023). Blockchain und Datenschutz – Hyperledger Sawtooth im Fokus. In R. Dornberger (ed.), Neue Trends in Wirtschaftsinformatik und eingesetzte Technologien. Digitale Innovation und digitale Transformation (pp. 317–332). Springer.
Peer reviewedSchneider, B., & Asprion, P. (2023). Peer instruction as teaching method in cybersecurity and data privacy. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, 12, 1–7.
Peer reviewedMoriggl, P., Asprion, P., Schneider, B., & Scherb, C. (2023). Touching space: distributed ledger technology for tracking and tracing certificates. In T. X. Bui (Ed.), Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 4306–4315).
Peer reviewedAsprion, P., Giovanoli, C., Scherb, C., & Bhat, S. (2023). Agile management in cybersecurity. In A. Gerber & K. Hinkelmann (Eds.), Proceedings of Society 5.0 Conference 2023 (pp. 21–32).
Peer reviewedSchneider, B., Asprion, P., Misyura, I., Jonkers, N., & Zaugg, E. (2023). Persona-oriented data protection impact assessment for small businesses. Proceedings of Society 5.0 Conference 2023, 152–163.
Peer reviewedAsprion, P., Grieder, H., & Grimberg, F. (2023). Building digital trust to protect whistleblowers - A blockchain-based reporting channel. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4328–4337.
Peer reviewedDegen, M., Babrak, L., Smakaj, E., Agac, T., Asprion, P., Grimberg, F., Van der Werf, D., Van Ginkel, E. W., Tosoni, D. D., Clay, I., Brodbeck, D., Natali, E., Schkommodau, E., & Miho, E. (2022). RWD-Cockpit. Application for quality assessment of real-world data. JMIR Formative Research, 6(10).
Peer reviewedSchneider, B., Ballesteros, R., Moriggl, P., & Asprion, P. (2022). Decentralized autonomous organizations – Evolution, challenges, and opportunities. In D. Bork, S. Barat, P. Asprion, A. Marcelletti, A. Morichetta, B. Schneider, V. Kulkarni, R. Breu, & P. Zech (Eds.), Proceedings of the PoEM 2022 Workshops and Models at Work.
Peer reviewedBabrak, L., Smakaj, E., Agac, T., Asprion, P., Grimberg, F., Van der Werf, D., van Ginkel, E. W., Tosoni, D. D., Clay, I., Degen, M., Brodbeck, D., Natali, E. N., Schkommodau, E., & Miho, E. (2022). RWD-Cockpit: application for quality assessment of real-world data. JMIR Formative Research, 6(10).
Asprion, P., Grieder, H., & Grimberg, F. (2022). Integrity@Inside - Blockchain-based Whistleblowing. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW.
Peer reviewedLöffler, E., Schneider, B., Goerre, A., & Asprion, P. (2022). Adaptable GDPR assessment tool for micro and small enterprises. In J. Filipe, M. Smialek, A. Brodsky, & S. Hammoudi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (Vol. 2, pp. 301–308). SciTePress.
Peer reviewedGrimberg, F., Asprion, P., Schneider, B., Miho, E., Babrak, L., & Habbabeh, A. (2021). The real-world data challenges radar: a review on the challenges and risks regarding the use of real-world data. Digital Biomarkers, 5(2), 148–157.
Löffler, E., Schneider, B., Asprion, P., & Zanwar, T. (2021). CySecEscape 2.0 - A virtual escape room to raise cybersecurity awareness. International Journal of Serious Games, 8(1), 59–70.
Moriggl, P., Asprion, P., & Schneider, B. (2020). Blockchain technologies towards data privacy – Hyperledger Sawtooth as unit of analysis. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), New trends in business information systems and technology. Studies in systems, decision and control (pp. 299–313). Springer.
Peer reviewedSchneider, B., Asprion, P., Androvicsova, S., & Azan, W. (2020). A practical guideline for developing a managerial information security awareness program. AMCIS 2020 Proceedings. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020).
Peer reviewedMoriggl, P., Asprion, P., & Kramer, F. (2020). Blockchain as an enabler for cybersecurity use case: electronic health records in Switzerland. In P. Asprion, S. Bāliņa, P. Forbrig, J. Kampars, M. Kirikova, C. Møller, A. Morichetta, B. Roelens, & K. Sandkuhl (Eds.), PoEM 2020 workshops. Workshops co-organized with the 13th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (pp. 80–91). Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen.
Peer reviewedSchneider, B., Bontempo Salgueiro, N., Asprion, P., & Habbabeh, A. (2020). Storytelling and gamification in E-learning – An empirical study to educate Swiss microenterprises in data protection. Expanding Horizons: Business, Management and Technology for Better Society. Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference 20-22 May 2020, 319–328.
Peer reviewedAsprion, P., Schneider, B., Moriggl, P., & Grimberg, F. (2020). Exploring cyber security awareness through LEGO serious play part I: the learning experience. In V. Dermol (Ed.), MakeLearn 2020: expanding horizons; business, management and technology for better society. Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference, 20-22 May 2020, Online Conference. ToKnowPress.
Peer reviewedHabbabeh, A., Schneider, B., & Asprion, P. (2019). Data privacy assessment: an exemplary case for higher education institutions. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, 8(2), 221–241.
Peer reviewedSiddhanti, P., Asprion, P., & Schneider, B. (2019). Cybersecurity by design for smart home environments. In J. Filipe, M. Smialek, A. Brodsky, & S. Hammoudi (Eds.), ICEIS 2019. 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 587–595).
Grimberg, F., Asprion, P., Schneider, B., Miho, E., Babrak, L., & Habbabeh, A. (2019). Real World Data - Technologies, Research Questions and Applications - Study in Cooperation - School of Business & School of Life Science. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW.
Peer reviewedSchneider, B., Asprion, P., & Grimberg, F. (2019). Human-centered artificial intelligence: a multidimensional approach towards real world evidence. In J. Filipe, M. Smialek, A. Brodsky, & S. Hammoudi (Eds.), ICEIS 2019. 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 381–390).
Peer reviewedAsprion, P., Hübner, P., & Moriggl, P. (2019). Towards a distributed ledger system for supply chains. In T. X. Bui (Ed.), Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Peer reviewedAsprion, P., & Schneider, B. (2018). Systems of Engagement. Die digitale Arbeitswelt. ERP Management, 14(2), 31–34.
Peer reviewedSchneider, B., Asprion, P., & Grimberg, F. (2018). Interconnected enterprise systems - A call for new teaching approaches. In Y. Shi, H. Fu, Y. Tian, V. V. Krzhizhanovskaya, M. H. Lees, J. Dongarra, & P. M. A. Sloot (Eds.), Computational Science - ICCS 2018. 18th International Conference, Wuxi, China, June 11-13, 2018, Proceedings (Vol. 3, pp. 318–331).
Asprion, P. (2017). Social Media Controlling. In K. O. Tokarski (ed.), Zukunftstrends Wirtschaft 2020 (p. 28). Springer.
Asprion, P., & Resch, D. (2017). Talente gesucht - Liaison von Grundlagen mit Aktualität. Netzwoche, 17, 62–63.
Asprion, P. (2016, December). ERP-Projekte mit Konfliktklärungskompetenz begleiten. ERP Management, 2016(12), 4.
Peer reviewedKofi Frimpong, A. N., & Asprion, P. (2015). Compliance in Educational Institutions based on Students Experience Survey. Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society. MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference, 27-29 May 2015, Bari, Italy, 387–395.
Asprion, P. (2013). Funktionstrennung in ERP-Systemen: Konzepte, Methoden und Fallstudien. Springer.
Peer reviewedAsprion, P., & Knolmayer, G. (2013). Assimilation of compliance software in highly regulated industries: An empirical multitheoretical investigation. In R. H. Sprague (ed.), Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2013) (pp. 4405–4417). IEEE.
Peer reviewedKnolmayer, G., & Asprion, P. (2011). Assuring Compliance in IT Outsourcing Relationships: Frameworks and Selected Applications. In J. Kotlarsky, L. P. Willcocks, & I. Oshri (eds.), New Studies in Global IT and Business Service Outsourcing : 5th Global Scourcing Workshop 2011, Courchevel, France, March 14-17, 2011 (pp. 21–45). Springer.
Asprion, P. (2009). Der SoD-Manager im Spannungsfeld zwischen Business und IT. Zeitschrift für Controlling, 21(12), 7.
Asprion, P., & Knolmayer, G. (2009). Compliance und ERP-Systeme: Eine bivalente Beziehung. Zeitschrift für Controlling & Management, 53(Supplement 3), 8.
Asprion, P., & Knolmayer, G. (2008). Compliance Software: Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaftsprüfung. ERP Management, 4, 4.
Prof. Dr. Petra Maria Asprion
- Lecturer, Institute for Information Systems
- Telephone
- +41 61 279 17 48 (direct)
- cGV0cmEuYXNwcmlvbkBmaG53LmNo
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Peter Merian-Strasse 86
CH – 4052 Basel