Since 2022
FHNW School of Engineering and Environment, Department Transfer
2021 - 2022
Transcure "What our body transports" - Project management for SFGB-B
Since 2019
HSLE 2025 - Research associate for the subproject 2 "Innovation School", FHNW Academy of Art and Design
School of Design Bern and Biel - Lecturer in art history
Procap advanced training „Sensitization on the Topic of Visual Impairments", Haus of electronic Arts, Basle
kunstdialog, advanced training in "Dialogical and Visitor-oriented Art Education", Haus of electronic Arts Basle
2015 - 2019
Master of Arts, Art History and Image Theory, University of Basle
2014 - 2019
Haus of electronic Arts Basle – Guided tours and workshops
2013 - 2015
Master of Arts, Art Education, FHNW Academy of Art and Design , Basle
2011 - 2013
Bachelor of Arts, FHNW Art Education Academy of Art and Design, Basle