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Research Projects of the Institute Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP)

Research at the Institute Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP) is directly linked to the question of the relevance and potential of design in transforming living environments. In basic research, design thinking and action in existing systems and processes are examined from a holistic perspective and transferred to scenarios in which the role of design becomes effective. In application-oriented research, new fields of action for urgent challenges in social coexistence and work are developed in cooperation with external research partners. We work together with universities and companies from industry and creative industries in Switzerland as well as with international research partners.

Current research projects ICDP

OSADM (swissuniversities)

OSADM _ Open Science in Art, Design and Music

to OSADM (swissuniversities)

Initialization Project: New Landscapes of Knowledge and Research

Design Anthropology (initiating interinstitutional doctoral structures HGK FHNW – G3S UniBas), designXsciences (initiating research across design, engineering ...

to Initialization Project: New Landscapes of Knowledge and Research

Commons of the Alps – An Open Archive for Handicraft, Tradition, and Innovation

A Design-Commons is to be created for the Alpine region that digitally archives traditional and innovative craft knowledge. Unlike conventional archives, it ...

to Commons of the Alps – An Open Archive for Handicraft, Tradition, and Innovation

Completed research projects

Commons in design (SNF)

to Commons in design (SNF)

Interactive learning scenarios (Teaching Fund FHNW)

to Interactive learning scenarios (Teaching Fund FHNW)

Circular Design Practices and Processes (IP)

to Circular Design Practices and Processes (IP)

CODE Facades

to CODE Facades

A Journey to Palmyra

to A Journey to Palmyra


to Co-Lab

Craftsmanship in the digital era

to Craftsmanship in the digital era

Transfer of research into teaching


An online tool for collaborative design processes

to Co-Lab

Craftsmanship in the digital era

New technologies are often perceived as an opposition to the traditional craftsmanship understood as a process in which skilled maker creates an object with ...

to Craftsmanship in the digital era

Research Responsible ICDP

Dr. Christine Schranz
Dr. Christine Schranz

Leiterin Forschung ICDP

Telephone +41 61 228 43 56 (central office)