Spirits Interreg
Smart Printed Interactive Robots for Interventional Therapy and Surgery
The SPIRITS Interreg project (Smart Printed Interactive Robots for Interventional Therapy and Surgery) aims at developing an innovative robotics by 3D printing for interventional radiology and image guided surgery.
The SPIRITS project was launched as part of the Offensive Sciences program. It is supported by the Region Grand Est, Land Baden-Württemberg, Land Rheinland-Pfalz, Cantons Baselstadt, Basellandschaft, Aargau, Swiss Confederation, Baur SA and by the program INTERREG Upper Rhine from the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).
The Upper Rhine region hosts laboratories with cutting-edge expertises in related fields. SPIRITS is built to combine the existing complementary expertises to create synergies leading to innovations and establish a new research consortium in the Upper Rhine region. French, German and Swiss scientists are involved with a network of 5 partners and 8 associate partners.
SPIRITS consortium
3D Printing of multimaterial polymer structures for the design of highly-integrated robotic structures. Picture represents a proof-of-concept developed at INSA Strasbourg - ICube lab (©ICUBE). From SPIRITS project webpage.
3D-printed auxetic needle drive. From: F. Schuler, P. Renaud, M. de Wild, 3D-printed auxetic structures for bio-medical application, European Cells and Materials, Online Periodical, Collection 2; SSB+RM Conference Abstracts, ISSN 1473-2262, page 10 (2018).
3D-printed auxetic needle drive. From: M. de Wild, SPIRITS: Ein neues Roboter-Unterstützungssystem für die interventionelle Radiologie, Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit, Regio Basiliensis, RegioInform 01/18, 6, Januar Ausgabe (2018).
Design of auxetic needle drive.
- F. Dalcanale, J.P. Kirchhofer, F. Schuler, L. Rubbert, P. Renaud, M. de Wild, Performance of metallic auxetic needle drives, eCM Online Periodical, 2019, Collection 4; SSB+RM Conference Abstracts (page P1) (2019)
- A. Pfeil, F. Schuler, L. Barbé, F. Geiskopf, M. de Wild, P. Renaud, evaluation of gamma irradiation impact on 3D-printed multimaterial polymer, European Cells and Materials, Online Periodical, Collection 1, Meet the Expert Conference Abstracts, p8 (2019)
- N. Matter, F. Schuler, R. Schumacher, de Wild, Pre-process calculation to optimize laser parameter in selective laser melting, European Cells and Materials, Online Periodical, Collection 2; SSB+RM Conference Abstracts, ISSN 1473-2262, page 18 (2018)
- F. Schuler, P. Renaud, M. de Wild, 3D-printed auxetic structures for bio-medical application, European Cells and Materials, Online Periodical, Collection 2; SSB+RM Conference Abstracts, ISSN 1473-2262, page 10 (2018)
- M.de Wild, P. Renaud, SPIRITS, Film für regiosuisse – Netzwerkstelle Regionalentwicklung, 5.4.2019, Muttenz (Switzerland). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTP1XisZ_kk
- M. de Wild, SPIRITS: Ein neues Roboter-Unterstützungssystem für die interventionelle Radiologie, Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit, Regio Basiliensis, RegioInform 01/18, 6, Januar Ausgabe (2018)
Links und Publikationen
icube spirits
Strahlenschutz durch Robotik
Performance of metallic auxetic needle drives
Pre-process calculation to optimize laser parameter in selective laser melting
Evaluation of gamma irradiation impact on 3D-printed multimaterial polymer
3D-printed auxetic structures for bio-medical application
Schlüsselprojekte Wissenschaft & Forschung, Regioinform 01/18
SPIRITS: Smart Printed Interactive Robots for Interventional Therapy and Surgery 2017-2020 Final Executive Summary
The SPIRITS project was launched as part of the Offensive Sciences program. It is supported by the Region Grand Est, Land Baden-Württemberg, Land Rheinland-Pfalz, Cantons Baselstadt, Basellandschaft, Aargau, Swiss Confederation, Baur SA and by the program INTERREG Upper Rhine from the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).