Cécile Zachlod
Cécile Zachlod
Activities at FHNW
- Lecturer of Digital Marketing
- Programme Manager MAS Digital Marketing, CAS Social Media, CAS Data Driven Marketing
Cécile Zachlod is a lecturer in digital marketing and communication at the FHNW. One of her focal points is the broad field of social media, where she deals with topics such as:
- Social Media Analytics/Monitoring/Listening
- Social media strategy
- Social ads
- Social Media Influencer/Content Creator
This is also how she came to her current dissertation project on the topic of "Social Media as a Strategic Communication Instrument for Swiss Political Parties in Election Campaigns".
In addition to social media data, she is generally involved with the use of data in marketing and is programme leader of the CAS Data Driven Marketing, CAS Social Media and the MAS Digital Marketing.
Before that, she was responsible for more than 6 years for the marketing and communication of IT service companies, both internationally and for a Swiss SME. She also gained extensive project experience at, among others, Aktuell Asia, Bangkok; Videonale 11, Bonn; Neumann Luz Communication, Cologne.
For further information see LinkedIn
Current teaching assignments and topics
- Social media
- Content marketing
- B2B marketing
- Data use in marketing
In the following courses
- BSc Business Administration
- BSc Business Informatics
- MAS Digital Marketing
- CAS Kommunikation für NPO
- CAS Führen in NPO-Organisationen
- CAS Data Driven Marketing
- CAS Social Media
Consulting and coaching mandates with various organisations on the topics of:
- Social Media Monitoring
- Social Media Strategy
- Social media influencers
- Social ads
- Website (SEO)
Various research projects in the areas of:
- Social media as a strategic communication tool
- Social media analytics/ monitoring/ listening
- Social media and dissemination of information and disinformation
- Digital marketing in the NPO sector
- Jobs-to-be-done method (JTBD)
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedHeuss, S., Zachlod, C., & Miller, B. T. (2023). ‘Social’ media? How Swiss hospitals used social media platforms during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Public Health, 219, 53–60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2023.03.019
Peer reviewedZachlod, C., Samuel, O., Ochsner, A., & Werthmüller, S. (2022). Analytics of social media data - State of characteristics and application. Journal of Business Research, 144, 1064–1076. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.02.016
Fuduric, N., Zachlod, C., & Bisang, L. (2021). OWARNA - User needs in the “Future warning system” project. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW. https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/43078
Verhoeven, M., Zachlod, C., & Schibli, O. (2021). Covid-19 Vaccination in Switzerland: Information and Disinformation in Social Media. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW. https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/43160
Peer reviewedZachlod, C., & Peter, M. K. (2021). The social media monitoring process and its role in social media strategy development. In F. J. Martínez-López & D. López López (Eds.), Advances in digital marketing and eCommerce. Second international conference, 2021 (pp. 144–152). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-76520-0_16
Zachlod, C., & Lindeque, J. P. (2020). Social media and reputation management. Social media listening techniques, tools and KPIs. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW. https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/43101
Griesser, S., & Zachlod, C. (2020). Search Engine Optimisation: Geklickt wird, was gefunden wird. In M. K. Peter & A. Niedermann (eds.), Digitales Marketing für KMU. Wie Unternehmen sich digital vermarkten und kommunizieren (pp. 112–122). Beobachter-Edition. https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/42859
Zachlod, C., & Lindeque, J. P. (2020). Social media and reputation management. Accessing social media data and detecting social bots. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW. https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/43100
Peer reviewedGöldi, S., & Zachlod, C. (2020). Multimodale Schreibkompetenz für die Suchmaschinenoptimierung. In A. Aebi, S. Göldi, & M. Weder (eds.), Schrift - Bild - Ton. Beiträge zum multimodalen Schreiben in Bildung und professioneller Kommunikation (pp. 175–198). hep. https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/42838
Dalla Vecchia, M., Vogel, T., & Zachlod, C. (2020). Social Media: Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg. In M. K. Peter & A. Niedermann (eds.), Digital Marketing für KMU. Wie Unternehmen sich digital vermarkten und kommunizieren (pp. 76–93). Beobachter-Edition. https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/42958
Peter, M. K., Zachlod, C., & Laubscher, F. (2018). Die Digitale Transformation und Cloud-Technologien. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Hochschule für Wirtschaft. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/26230
Göldi, S., & Zachlod, C. (2017). Die Top 5 SEO-Massnahmen beim Online-Texten für Autorinnen und Autoren. In M. P. Peter (ed.), KMU-Transformation (pp. 169–176). https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-1304
No peer reviewed content available
Digital NPO
1.9.2021–31.8.2022Das Lehrfondsprojekt digitalnpo.ch entwickelt und testet für den MAS Sozialmanagement ein neues digitales Lehr- und Geschäftsformat für die Weiterbildung von Führungs- und Fachkräften in sozialen Organisationen. Pandemiebedingt fand eine «Spontan-D...
Cécile Zachlod
- Lecturer, Institute for Competitiveness and Communication
- Telephone
- +41 62 957 21 96 (direct)
- Y2VjaWxlLnphY2hsb2RAZmhudy5jaA==
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Riggenbachstrasse 16
CH – 4600 Olten