Prof. Dr. Miklós Lenner
Prof. Dr. Miklós Lenner
Activities at FHNW
Lecturer in Measurement and Sensing Technologies at the FHNW Institute for Sensors and Electronics
- Bachelor programs: Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering and Electrical and Information Technology
- Continuing education: CAS Electric Energy for Building Technologies
- Industrial measurement and sensing technologies
- Optical sensing technologies
- Acoustic sensing technologies
- Sensor systems and -networks
- Reliability engineering
- Energy harvesting
PhD in Photonics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Title: Interaction of Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulses with Absorbing Materials
MSc in Electrical engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Major in Microwave telecommunication, minor in Acoustics
Professional experience
Since 2019
Lecturer for Sensor Technologies
Institute for Sensors and Electronics, FHNW School of Engineering and Environment,
Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland
2009 – 2019
Principal Scientist
Sensor Technologies Group
ABB Corporate Research Center
Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland
Research focus: Optical and acoustic sensor technologies for applications in Process Analytics and High Voltage Industries, Reliability Engineering
2007 – 2009
Advanced Research Fellow
Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Budapest, Hungary
Research focus: Electric field enhancement and rectification of optically excited surface plasmons on nanostructures
2004 – 2007
Marie Curie European postdoctoral research fellow
The University of Birmingham, England
Research focus: Time-resolved study of femtosecond laser ablation of graphite by Time-of-Flight mass spectrometry
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
1 | M. Lenner, F. Kassubek, Ch. Bernhard, L. Yang, D. Pape, Single-element ultrasonic transducer for non-invasive measurements, IEEE Sensors J., DOI: 10.1109/ JSEN.2019.2961614 (2020) |
2 | M. Lenner, A. Frank, L. Yang, T. M. Roininen, K. Bohnert, Long-term reliability of fiber-optic current sensors, IEEE Sensors J., 20 823 (2020). |
3 | M. Lenner, L. Yang, A. Frank, K. Bohnert, Influence of optical fiber coatings on the long-term accuracy of interferometric fiber-optic current sensors, Proc. Eng. 168 1735 (2016). |
4 | G. M. Müller, W. Quan, M. Lenner, L. Yang, A. Frank, K. Bohnert, Fiber-optic current sensor with self-compensation of source wavelength changes, Opt. Letters 41 2867 (2016). |
5 | L. L. Simon (ed.) et al., Assessment of recent process analytical technology (PAT) trends: A multiauthor review, Org. Proc. Res. Dev. 19 3 (2015). |
6 | Y. Maret, D. Angelosante, O. Steiger, D. Pape, M. Lenner, Vibration sensitivity reduction of photoacoustic gas analyzers, IEEE Sensors J. 14 6802336 (2014). |
7 | L. Yang, A. Frank, R. Wüest, B. Gülenaltin, M. Lenner, G. M. Müller, K. Bohnert, A study on different types of fiber coils for fiber optic current sensors, Key Eng. Mat. 605 283 (2014). |
8 | M. Lenner, P. Rácz, P. Dombi, G. Farkas, N. Kroó, Field enhancement and rectification of surface plasmons detected by scanning tunneling microscopy, Phys. Rev. B 83 205428 (2011). |
9 | P. Rácz, S. E. Irvine, M. Lenner, A. Mitrofanov, A. Baltuška, A. Y. Elezzabi, P. Dombi, Strong-field plasmonic electron acceleration with few-cycle, phase-stabilized laser pulses, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 111116 (2011). |
10 | P. Dombi, S. E. Irvine, P. Rácz, M. Lenner, N. Kroó, G. Farkas, A. Mitrofanov, A. Baltuška, T. Fuji, F. Krausz, A. Y. Elezzabi, Observation of few-cycle, strong-field phenomena in surface plasmon fields, Opt. Express 18 24206 (2010). |
11 | M. Lenner, A. Kaplan, Ch. Huchon, R. E. Palmer, Ultrafast laser ablation of graphite, Phys. Rev. B 79 184105 (2009). |
12 | P. Dombi, P. Rácz, M. Lenner, V. Pervak, F. Krausz, Dispersion management in femtosecond laser oscillators with highly dispersive mirrors, Opt. Express, 17 20598 (2009). |
13 | A. Kaplan, M. Lenner, Ch. Huchon, R. E. Palmer, Nonlinearity and time-resolved studies of ion emission in ultrafast laser ablation of graphite, Appl. Phys. A 92 999 (2008). |
14 | A. Fuerbach, M. Lenner and M. J. Withford, Photonic band gap fibre compressed Chirped-pulse oscillator, New Journal of Physics, 9 (8), 248 (2007). |
15 | M. Lenner, A. Kaplan, R. E. Palmer, Nanoscopic Coulomb explosion in ultrafast graphite ablation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 153119 (2007). |
16 | A. Kaplan, M. Lenner, R. E. Palmer, Emission of ions and charged clusters due to impulsive Coulomb explosion in ultrafast laser ablation of graphite, Phys. Rev. B 76 073401 (2007). |
17 | M. Lenner, Ch. Spielmann, Femtosecond time-resolved saturation dynamics of BDN-doped polycarbonate, Opt. Express, 14 (5), 1850-1855 (2006). |
18 | M. Lenner, Ch. Spielmann, Protective materials for sub-picosecond Ti:Sapphire lasers, Appl. Opt., 44 (17) 3532-3539 (2005). |
19 | M. Lenner, Ch. Spielmann, Reliability of Polycarbonate Filters in the Femtosecond Regime, Appl. Phys. B, 78 (6) 689-692 (2004). |
20 | M. Lenner, A. Fiedler, Ch. Spielmann, Reliability of Laser Safety Eye Wear in the Femtosecond Regime, Opt. Express, 12 (7), 1329-1334 (2004). |
21 | A. Hertwig, S. Martin, J. Krüger, Ch. Spielmann, M. Lenner, W. Kautek, Safety Aspects in Femtosecond Laser Technology, Femtosecond Technology for Technical and Medical Applications, Dausinger, Lichtner, Lubatschowski (ed.), Springer Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-20114-9 (2004). |
22 | J. Seres, A. Müller, E. Seres, K. O'Keeffe, M. Lenner, R. F. Herzog, D. Kaplan, Ch. Spielmann, F. Krausz, Sub-10-femtosecond, terawatt-scale Ti:sapphire laser system, Opt. Lett. 28 (19), 1832-1834 (2003). |
23 | J. Krüger, M. Lenzner, S. Martin, M. Lenner, C. Spielmann, A. Fiedler, W. Kautek, Single- and multi-pulse femtosecond laser ablation of optical filter materials, Appl. Surf. Sci. 208-209, 233-237 (2003). |
1 | A. Kramer, M. Lenner, D. Maas, T. Smeeton, K. Welna, E. Boardman, V. Berryman-Bousquet, Industrial gas analytics using a compact ultraviolet laser, IEEE Sensors Conference, 27 – 30 October 2019, Montreal, Canada. Paper ID 1085. |
2 | M. Lenner, C.P. Hsu, L. Yang, A. Frank, K. Bohnert, Performance and long-term reliability of polarization-maintaining fiber connectors for fiber-optic current sensors, IEEE Sensors Conference, 28 – 31 October 2018, New Delhi, India. Paper ID 1091. |
3 | K. Bohnert, A. Frank, G. M. Müller, L. Yang, M. Lenner, P. Gabus, X. Gu, S. V. Marchese, Fiber optic current and voltage sensors for electric power transmission systems, SPIE Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications XV, 17 – 18 April 2018, Orlando, USA. Code 138056. |
4 | Invited: M. Lenner, L. Yang, A. Frank, K. Bohnert, Long-term reliability of fiber-optic sensor components in harsh industrial environments, OSA Advanced Photonics, Sensors 2017, 24 –27 July 2017, New Orleans, LA, USA. DOI: 10.1364/SENSORS.2017.SeW1E.3 |
5 | Invited: M. Lenner, L. Yang, A. Frank, K. Bohnert, Long-term reliability of fiber-optic current sensors in damp heat, Sensor 2017, 30 May–1 June 2017, Nürnberg, Germany. DOI 10.5162/sensor2017/B3.2. |
6 | K. Bohnert, A. Frank, L. Yang, G.M. Mueller, M. Lenner, T. Roininen, B. Guelenaltin, P. Gabus, S. V. Marchese, A. Vujanic, Fiber-optic current sensor in 420 kV circuit breaker, CLEO 2016, 5–10 June 2016, San Jose, CA, USA. Article number 7787415. |
7 | D. Pape, M. Lenner, Effect of Layer Dimension on the Propagation of Lamb Waves in the Presence of Liquid Layers, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 18–21 September 2016, Tours, France. Paper ID: 5I-4. |
8 | M. Lenner, L. Yang, A. Frank, K. Bohnert, Influence of optical fiber coatings on the long-term accuracy of interferometric fiber-optic current sensors, 30th Eurosensors Conference, 4–7 September 2016, Budapest, Hungary. Paper ID WL.ACC-3-8038. |
9 | G. M. Müller, W. Quan, M. Lenner, L. Yang, A. Frank, and K. Bohnert, Athermal Compensation of Source Wavelength Drifts for Fiber-Optic Current Sensors, OSA Frontiers in Optics Conference, 18–22 October 2015, San Jose, CA, USA, paper ID FTh4E.2. |
10 | D. Pape, M. Lenner, T. Kaufmann, Investigation of Lamb waves in solid-liquid layers, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 21–24 October 2015, Taiwan, Taipei. DOI 10.1109/ULTSYM.2015.0020. |
11 | M. Lenner, W. Quan, G. Müller, L. Yang, A. Frank, K. Bohnert, Interferometric fiber-optic current sensor with inherent source wavelength shift compensation, IEEE Sensors Conference, 1–4 November 2015, Busan, South Korea. Paper ID 1050. |
12 | M. Lenner, L. Yang, A. Frank, K. Bohnert, Long-term reliability of semiconductor light sources for fiber-optic current sensors, OSA Optical Sensors Conference, 27–31 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN: 978-155752820-9. |
13 | M. Lenner, R. Wüest, A. Frank, K. Bohnert, Thermal tuning of fiber quarter-wave retarders for temperature compensation of fiber-optic current sensors, OSA Optical Sensors Conference, 14–17 July 2013, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. ISBN: 978-1-55752-981-7. |
14 | M. Lenner, R. Wüest, A. Frank, K. Bohnert, Effects of thermal fiber annealing on the temperature compensation of interferometric fiber-optic current sensors, IEEE Sensors Conference, 28–31 October 2012, Taipei, Taiwan. Article number 6411054. |
15 | G.M. Muller, A. Frank, M. Lenner, K. Bohnert, P. Gabus, B. Guelenaltin, Temperature compensation of fiber-optic current sensors in different regimes of operation, IEEE Photonics Conference, 23–27 September 2012, Burlingame, CA, USA. Article number 6358837, pp. 745-746. |
16 | M. Lenner, R. Wüest, A. Frank, B. Gülenaltin, K. Bohnert, Characterization of fiber wave retarders for interferometric fiber-optic current sensors, IEEE Avionics and Fiber Optics Conference, 4–6 October 2011, San Diego, CA, USA. Article number 6082121, pp. 49-50. |
17 | Invited: M. Lenner, P Dombi, N. Kroó, Nonlinear STM Plasmonics, Physics of Quantum Electronics, 4–8 January 2009, Snowbird, Utah, USA. |
18 | M. Lenner, A. Kaplan, R. E. Palmer, Ultrafast Laser Ablation of Graphite, Photonics North, 5 June 2007, Ottawa, Canada. |
19 | M. Lenner, A. Kaplan, R. E. Palmer, New fragmentation mapping method to study ablation processes, DIET XI. 11–15 March 2007, Berlin, Germany. |
20 | Invited: M. Lenner, A. Kaplan, R. E. Palmer, Ultrafast laser ablation of graphite, Building Futures: Indo-UK Nanotechnology Conference, 19–21 November 2006, Kolkata, India. |
21 | M. Lenner, A. Kaplan, C. Huchon, R. E. Palmer, Breakdown of the electronical neutrality in graphite, IAMPI,1–5 October 2006, Szeged, Hungary. |
22 | M. Lenner, A. Kaplan, R. E. Palmer, Coulomb explosion in semi-metals, Quantum Physics of Nanostructures, 18–20 September 2006, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. |
23 | M. Lenner, A. Kaplan, C. Huchon, R. E. Palmer, Ultrafast ablation of graphite, Super Intense Laser Atom Physics 2006, 19–22 June 2006, Salamanca, Spain. |
24 | M. Lenner, A. Kaplan, R. E. Palmer, Surface electrical neutrality breakdown in ultrafast laser ablation of graphite, 5th International Symposium on Ultrafast Surface Dynamics, May 21–25, 2006, Abashiri, Japan. |
25 | M. Lenner, A. Kaplan, R. E. Palmer, Femtosecond Graphite Ablation, Imperial College, London, 8 April 2006. |
26 | M. Lenner, A., Fiedler, Ch. Spielmann, Characterization of Eye Protective Optical Filters in the Femtosecond Regime, FemtoMat 2004, 25–28 February 2004, Bad Kleinkirchheim, Austria. |
27 | M. Lenner, A. Fiedler, Ch. Spielmann, Protective Eye Wear for Femtosecond Laser Pulses, FemtoMat 2002, 24–26 October 2002, Visegrád, Hungary. |
28 | J. Krüger, M. Lenzner, S. Martin, M. Lenner, C. Spielmann, A. Fiedler, W. Kautek, Single- and multi-pulse femtosecond laser ablation of optical filter materials, EMRS 2002 Spring Meeting, 18–21 June 2002, Strasbourg, France. |
29 | J. Krüger, M. Lenzner, S. Martin, W. Kautek, M. Lenner, C. Spielmann, A. Fielder, Femtosecond laser-induced damage in absorbing filters used for laser protection, High-Power Laser Ablation IV Conference, 21–26 April 2002, Taos, New Mexico, USA. Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4760 398-405 (2002). |
Prof. Dr. Miklós Lenner
- Lecturer in Measurement- and Sensing Technologies
- Telephone
- +41 56 202 76 96 (direct)
- bWlrbG9zLmxlbm5lckBmaG53LmNo
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Engineering and Environment
Klosterzelgstrasse 2
CH-5210 Windisch - room 1.227