A Journey to Palmyra
“A Journey to Palmyra” is a critical aesthetic experience that seeks to disrupt our habits and rituals. The project involves two common elements that are embedded in everyday life but rarely questioned: on the one hand, media coverage of war, and on the other, navigation using Google. It represents a cunning way of questioning two things that have become commonplace. In a world of fake news, filter bubbles, and artificial intelligence, how prudent is reliance on a source of information?
Google Maps and directions are firmly embedded in our everyday lives. We use those services every day to find a location, route, or restaurant and navigate to our destination with the aid of a technological device. They suggest a world in which we are free in the selection and production of information, but how can we actually be certain that the information is objective or even correct?
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Research Team
Dr. Christine Schranz (idea, concept and design)(idea, concept and design)
Yann Patrick Martins (coding)
Max Frischknecht (UI)
Archaeologies of Media and Technology (AMT) research group