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Commons of the Alps – An Open Archive for Handicraft, Tradition, and Innovation

A Design-Commons is to be created for the Alpine region that digitally archives traditional and innovative craft knowledge. Unlike conventional archives, it will be open, freely accessible, and participatory. We are focusing on the period from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day, with women receiving appropriate representation.

Aims of the Research Project

The primary goal of the project is to create a Design-Commons that protects craftsmanship, preserves design, and multiplies culturally and historically valuable practices through sharing. To this end, traditional crafts and innovative approaches based on old techniques are being researched and documented in the Alpine region. The investigation covers the canton of Graubünden, specifically four nature parks: Biosfera Val Müstair, Naturpark Beverin, Parco Val Calanca, and Parc Ela. In addition, the project seeks to provide a new perspective on commons research and thus make a significant contribution to design research.

Scientific and Societal Context of the Research Project

The project is situated in the field of design research and contributes to broadening the understanding of craftsmanship and design in the Alpine region. By documenting and disseminating craft traditions, cultural heritage is preserved and made accessible for future generations. At the same time, the project makes a contribution to women’s history in the Alpine region by offering them a dedicated platform and recognizing their historical role.

Project data

Project Leadership and Team
Christine Schranz (Principal Investigator)
Charleen Elberskirch
Christine Beglinger
Max Frischknecht
Silvan Hahn

Funding Institution
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Project Duration
October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2028

Dreispitz Basel / Münchenstein

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW Freilager-Platz 1 4142 Münchenstein b. Basel